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Поздравляем нашего преподавателя Петько Дарью Викторовну с вступлением в Дальневосточный Союз Учителей Английского Языка (Far Eastern English Language Teachers' Association), а также участием в XI международной конференции FEELTA и XIV, международной конференции AsiaTEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)!

За время проведения конференций Дарья Викторовна приняла где посетила лекции и семинары по следующим темам:
Plenaries: 1. Empowering Teachers for Excellence 2. Are you a 21st century teacher? 3. Professionalizing Your English Language Teaching 4. Shift of Language Education Paradigm 5. Is a New Paradigm Needed for English Education in East Asia? 6. Language assessment for under- and postgraduate students in Russia: state of art and perspectives Featured papers: 1. What drives your classroom teaching? 2. Mentoring: An Essential Component of Leadership Development 3. Competency-based Approach to Teacher Education in the Russian Federation Papers: 1. Building Communicative Grammar Teaching Methodologies: Not an Either/Or Approach (EFL teaching methods) 2. Increasing Motivation and Acquisition by Allowing Students to Choose Vocabulary (EFL teaching methods) 3. The Russian language in the English classroom (EFL teaching methods) 4. Teachers’ and Students’ Views on Teaching English Through English (EFL teaching methods) 5. The Effect of Process Genre Approach: Improving English Writing Ability (EFL teaching methods, Materials writing) 6. Implementing Scientific Approach to Teach Speaking and Writing Integratedly (EFL teaching methods) 7. Portfolio Assessment for an Undergraduate Intermediate Level Writing Class (EFL teaching methods, ESP/EAP, Assessment and evaluation ) 8. The Relationship between Learners’ Brain Dominance and IELTS Listening Comprehension (Assessment and evaluation) 9. Some Considerations on Making E-mail Requests in English (ESP/EAP) 10. Smart Learning as a New Trend in English Education (IT in language education) 11. Use of Blended Learning in Teaching Translation and Interpretation (IT in language education, Interpreting and translation) 12. Developing Professionally through Online Activities: Taking up Makes Perfect (Teacher education and professional development) 13. Using “Focused Observation” to Enhance Teachers’ Ability of Classroom Observation(Teacher education and professional development) 14. Unified State Exam in English: Writing and Speaking (Teacher education and professional development) 15. Teacher-Student Conflict and Teacher-Teacher Conflict (Teacher education and professional development) Workshops: 1. Ten Ways to Retell the Text (EFL teaching methods) 2. How to teach English to young geniuses(EFL teaching methods) 3. Be ready for exams: Developing exam strategies in the secondary classroom (EFL teaching methods)

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